Maverick Psychology
Training and Consultation

We provide online webinar training and consultation for Psychological Assessment measures such as the PCL-R and Rorschach (Comprehensive System) as well as forensic topics (i.e., female offenders) via Zoom and My Own Conference.

We also provide guidance on administration, scoring, interpretation, research, report writing, or general questions.





We live in Orwellian times where “Newspeak” and “Doublethink” (Orwell, 1949; also Huxley, 1932), a failed journal review process, political agendas, and political correctness dominate the professional landscape. A plethora of largely unchallenged biases, unsound methodology, and faulty conclusions exist in a significant number of published studies. These studies are often created by academic thinking that lacks any direct observation of the phenomena studied. Much of what appears in scientific journals is suspect and needs to be evaluated prior to adapting any of its inferences to our applied work. Additionally, most of our academic settings do not teach an in-depth understanding of personality leaving students inadequately prepared for applied work. At Maverick Psychology Training and Consultation PLLC (MPTC) we are committed to aiding practicing professionals in sorting through flawed science in order to choose what pertains to their real world applied work. As scientist-practitioners, our extensive research and clinical experience allows for consultation/training that can be translated directly to practice. Whether it is designed to obtain a sound knowledge of offenders/psychopathy, to obtain a better understanding of the Rorschach, or to increase one’s interrater reliability when using the PCL-R, Maverick Psychology Training and Consultation PLLC offers essential information for clinical and forensic practice.

CS-R Supplementary Scales Booklet & Gacono Aggressivity Cluster
International Rorschach Institute

Kari Carstairs interviews Jason Smith and Carl Gacono about the CS-R Supplementary Scales booklet and the Gacono Aggressivity Cluster to provide an outline of these current developments.